Earn college credits while in high school
CIU的双招生计划为高中生提供了一个获得大学学位的良好开端的机会. 学生可以选择任何1000或2000级别的课程,每学分降低100美元. 参与双招生体验有助于缓解从高中到大学的过渡,并将为学生准备大学课程的学术严谨性.
Start Your Journey Today!
- Admissions
- Submit online application
- 在开始你的应用程序之前,准备好以下物品是很有帮助的:
- Your Social Security Number
- Your parents’ contact information
- Application Instructions
- When starting our application process, you will be instructed to create an application portal account. 请使用您经常检查的电子邮件,因为重要的更新将通过此地址进行沟通.
- Once you have created your portal login, you will begin a new on campus high school concurrent application. 对于只参加在线课程的学生来说,这仍然是正确的申请.
- 请在提交完整的申请表前确保所有信息正确无误.
- Once an application has been submitted, one of our admissions counselors will be in touch with next steps.
- GPA Requirements
- 高中二年级,三年级和四年级学生可以参加双招生. The GPA requirement for acceptance for all students is a 3.0 on an unweighted scale.
- Sending Transcripts
- Official transcripts may be emailed to admissions@gatocarteiro.com or mailed to the Admissions Office at 7435 Monticello Rd., Columbia, SC 29203.
- We must have official transcripts to review an application for acceptance. 官方成绩单直接来自学校代表或家庭学校协会.
- Registration
双招生学生负责注册自己想要的课程. This will take place through your student portal on MyCIU. You will receive your login information via email after acceptance.
- To access course registration:
- Please read our registration guide for step by step registration instructions.
- For a visual guide please refer to our Registration Tutorial Video.
- 虽然学生可以注册任何1000级和2000级课程,但我们的一些课程选择有先决条件要求. This will be indicated at the time of registration. If you feel you have already met the prerequisite requirement, contact academic advising or your admissions counselor.
- To access course registration:
- Payment
- 双注册课程的学费必须在开学第一天之前支付.
- 账单可以通过MyCIU的财务选项卡在线访问和解决.
- Payments can be made in full or through a monthly payment plan option.
- Physical textbooks will have a mailing fee indicated on your bill.
- 有些课程可能需要额外的课程费用来补充课程材料.
- 双注册课程的学费必须在开学第一天之前支付.
Admitted Students
- MyCIU Student Portal
- 一旦被CIU录取,学生将可以访问他们的在线学生账户, MyCIU, where they will be able to register for their courses, access their student email, and resolve their bill.
- Canvas
- Canvas is a course website that houses all registered courses. Course syllabi, instructor information, and other course information can be accessed through Canvas, and online courses will use Canvas for most learning content.
- Canvas可以通过您的MyCIU帐户与顶部的Canvas链接访问. 您的MyCIU用户名和密码将与Canvas的登录信息相同.
- CIU Email
- 学生在被CIU的双注册计划录取后不久就可以访问他们的学生电子邮件.
- 学生的电子邮件可以通过MyCIU通过顶部的电子邮件链接访问.
- 第一次访问电子邮件时,将提示学生通过身份验证过程.
- 许多学生选择将他们的CIU电子邮件转发到他们的个人或学校电子邮件帐户,以确保他们不会错过任何更新.
- Resources & Services
- Academic Calendar
- Textbook information
- Digital textbooks can be accessed by logging into your MyCIU account, going to the Quick Links menu, selecting Bookstore, 并输入您的CIU电子邮件作为您的用户名和您的学生号作为您的密码.
- 实体教科书将邮寄到学生申请表上列出的地址,并必须在课程结束时归还提供的标签.
- Dual enrollment students have access to the following student services:
- CIU library resources, printing, tutoring, the student center and gym, etc.
- 学生必须通过CIU帮助台申请学生证才能访问大多数服务.
- Parking decals for on-campus students are required and can be accessed through MyCIU (Campus Life>Vehicle Registration).
- FERPA是一种允许访问记录的表格,它在双注册申请中. 如果需要进行编辑,可以通过MyCIU的学术标签进行访问.
- What is the format of the classes?
It depends on if you are taking an in-person or online class. In person classes take place on CIU’s campus in Columbia, SC and are held at certain times throughout the week. Our online classes are asynchronous, 这意味着学生可以按照自己的时间表在一定的时间内完成任务.
- How much does dual enrollment cost?
Participating in dual enrollment can be a big commitment, so it’s important to be sure it’s the right choice for you before enrolling. However, for students who are motivated and ready for the challenge, 双录取是一个很好的方式,可以在大学里获得一个良好的开端,并获得宝贵的经验. 如果你对澳门新葡京网站的双招生项目有任何疑问, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Admissions Office at admissions@gatocarteiro.com or (803) 807-5024 for more information.
- Can a student repeat a course to raise their grade?
A student can only repeat a course if they receive a grade of D or below. The last grade earned becomes the grade of record, 只有最后一年级的学分才会计入学生的完成学分记录.
- Can a student withdraw from a CIU course?
Yes, 学生可以通过在MyCIU上填写“退课申请表”来退出双注册课程. The withdrawal deadline for each semester can be found on our Academic Calendar.
- Is there a maximum number of credits I can take?
Students can take up to 12 credits per semester. If a student wishes to take more than 12 credits, 他们需要联系注册办公室并获得学校的特别许可.
- Can I get an Associate’s degree at CIU through dual enrollment?
We do not offer an Associate’s track, 但学生可以与学术顾问联系,讨论可能适用于AA的课程. 学生将受到大学目录的任何变化的影响,并且可能需要额外的学分来获得学位.
- How do I request my CIU transcript to be sent to another college?
- How do I access my 1098T Form?
This tax document can be accessed on the “Finances” tab of MyCIU.
- Can I do online courses?
Yes, some of our dual enrollment courses are available in an online format. Please see our course offerings document to see specific classes. Virtual courses will be indicated by the “V” in the course code.
- Can I take Summer courses?
CIU does have courses over the summer, but offerings may be limited. You may view the available courses by term here.
- Can I eat in the cafeteria?
双注册学生可以使用CIU的许多设施,并需要在图书馆的IT帮助台申请学生证. If a student wishes to eat in the cafeteria, 他们可以亲自或在食堂网站上把钱加到身份证上.
- Can I transfer the credits I earn through dual enrollment to other colleges?
Yes, 通过双录取获得的学分通常可以转移到其他学院和大学. 最好和你计划就读的大学核实一下你的学分是否被接受.